isamert's webpage

Hosting Invidious on sub-folder with Nginx

If you intend to self-host Invidious within a sub-folder, like, this is not officially supported and is unlikely to be in the future. I understand their viewpoint, yet I believe this is a legitimate scenario. For an individual self-hoster, getting an additional domain solely for Invidious may not be that easy. While a subdomain remains an option, there are scenarios where it may not be viable.

Continuing with the example above, let's assume that you want to serve Invidious under Firstly, follow the officail guide to install Invidious. Then we need to a few configuration changes in config/config.yml:

# If your nginx serves through https, then change this to 443:
external_port: 443

# Again, if your nginx serves through https, then this needs to be true:
https_only: true

# Your domain

And here is the relevant nginx configuration:

# Change each instance of the text "/invidious/" with the subfolder
# path that you want in the following configuration:

location /invidious/ {
  # 3000 is the default port, change the following if you have changed
  # it (see config/config.yml port):
  proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
  proxy_set_header Host $host;
  proxy_http_version 1.1;
  proxy_set_header Connection "";
  proxy_redirect / /invidious/;

  # Now we are going to do some sub_filter'ing which is essentially
  # doing some simple string replacements on the response.

  # Disable compression (from invidious to nginx) so that sub_filter
  # works
  proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding "";

  # Disable sub_filter_once so that each instance of strings that we
  # want to replace gets replaced instead of getting replaced once.

  sub_filter_once off;
  sub_filter_types text/javascript application/json;
  sub_filter /api/ /invidious/api/;
  sub_filter /vi/ /invidious/vi/;
  sub_filter /channel /invidious/channel;
  sub_filter /ggpht/ /invidious/ggpht/;
  sub_filter /toggle_theme /invidious/toggle_theme;
  sub_filter /token /invidious/token;
  sub_filter /subscription /invidious/subscription;
  sub_filter 'src="/' 'src="/invidious/';
  sub_filter 'href="/' 'href="/invidious/';
  sub_filter 'action="/' 'action="/invidious/';

Also see the official nginx configuration for reference.

Of course this is not a very sound way to do things, each update to Invidious has a chance to cause some breakage but it works for now. I'll try to keep this updated.

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