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Bash scripting guide

I've been writing some bash scripts lately and I've learned a lot. I must say that it's really fun to write bash scripts, every line of code feels hacky and no matter what I wrote, it felt bad which is kind of liberating. I found my real self in bash scripts. Here are some of the things that I find useful or/and important.

I'll be talking about bash specifically, but I lot of the features in here are implemented in very similar ways in other shells.


The most portable shebang for bash scripting is: #!/usr/local/env bash. It basically asks env to find bash and wherever it may be, run this script with it. Do not use sh, it may be linked to bash but most of the time this is not the case.

shebangs also let's you do some cool tricks:

Running scripts with sudo

If you need to run some commands with root privileges in your script, it is generally advised to run your script using sudo instead of having a sodo command ... kind of line in the script. So to write such script, you need to check if you have root privileges or not. Instead of that, you can have this kind of shebang:

#!/bin/sudo /bin/bash

Now your script is guaranteed to be running with sudo, kind of. As I said using #!/usr/local/env to find the binary you want is the most reliable way of doing it. With this shebang, we got this problems: sudo or/and bash might not be in /bin directory. You might have tempted to do this then:

#!/usr/bin/env sudo bash

Which seems reasonable. We ask env to find sudo and we are calling it with bash argument and due to nature of shebangs, the script's path added to the end. So the final call that is produced by the shebang will be this:

/path/to/sudo bash /path/to/your/script

But unfortunately, this is not the case. Because env parses all arguments as a whole, it looks for an executable named sudo bash in your $PATH. But that is also easy to fix, just use -S option of env to be able to pass arguments in shebang lines:

#!/usr/bin/env -S sudo bash

I'm not entirely sure about this style of sudo calls. There may be implications that I'm missing but it worked out well for me.

Running other programs with shebangs

This is not entirely related to bash scripting but it's worth mentioning. Check this out:

#!/usr/bin/env -S cat ${HOME}/.bashrc

This script directly calls cat with ${HOME}/.bashrc argument. Instead of using bash to call cat program, we got rid of one level of indirection. (using ${HOME} instead of $HOME is just an env restriction). This may seem silly, but I'm sure it has it's own use-cases.


Here are some basic tips that makes your code faster and easy to reason.

true and false

  • true and false are actual binaries that does nothing and returns 0 and 1 respectively as their exit code. If you pass a command to if clause, it checks the exit code of it and depending on that selects the right branch. So 0 exit code which means successful exit is considered as true and everything else is considered as false.
if true; then echo "hey, it's true!"; fi

# They are also helpful in context of functions:
function starts_with {
    case "$1" in
        "$2"*) true ;;
        *) false ;;

# prints yes
if starts_with "something" "some"; then echo "yes!"; else echo "no :("; fi
  • But I should mention that true and false does not stop the function from flowing. In bash, last command call's exit code is returned as function's exit code. To stop the function and return true, just use return. return halts the function and returns 0 as the exit code. We can revise the function from above in that style:
function starts_with {
    case "$1" in
        "$2"*) return ;;

  • To exit early with a false value, just use return something-not-zero, like return 255.

[[ ]] and (( )) instead of [ ]

  • [ is an actual binary. So it costs more to use it. [[ is a bash built-in and has a lot of improvements over [.
  • (( is like [[ but for arithmetic expressions only. You can compare variables and make some calculations within them directly.
echo "Enter a year:"
read year

if [[ -z $year ]]; then
    echo "Year cannot be empty."
elif (( ($year % 400) == 0 )) || (( ($year % 4 == 0) && ($year % 100 != 0) ))
    echo "A leap year!"
    echo "Not a leap year :("

let instead of (( ))

Another somewhat nicer alternative to (( )) is let. It's not an alternative for using inside if clauses but for assignments it requires less typing:

let l=33+9


declare and it's friends

declare is pretty useful built-in function. I'll go over some of it's capabilities and my take on usage but you can type help declare and see a very informative and short text about it.

  • Using declare inside a function makes the variable local, meaning they do not interfere with global variables. A better alternative is just using local built-in which is more clear. If your intention is exact opposite, meaning you want to declare a global variable, use -g option with declare. (Actually just assigning something to a variable without declare=/=local keywords make them global. So you don't need something like this: declare -g a=3 inside a function to make it global, a=3 is enough. -g comes handy if you are using other options of declare and wanting to make the variable global)

function greet {
    local greeting="hi"

    echo "Your name:"
    read name

    echo "Local greeting:"
    echo "$greeting $name"

echo "Global greeting:"
echo "$greeting $name"
  • As you may have noticed, name becomes a global variable. If you want to keep it in the scope of the function, add this line before read name: local name.
  • Also you can use the options that declare takes with local. (Yeah it's possible to do some stupid thing like: local -g)
  • To declare a read-only variable, you can use declare -r or better, readonly.
  • To export variables into environment you can use declare -x or better, export

String manipulation

Here is a quick summary of string manipulation capabilities of bash: (Assume string is a pre-defined variable)

  • ${#string} → returns the length of $string.
  • ${string:4} → returns the substring starting at fourth character of $string.
  • ${string:4:3} → returns the substring of length of three starting at fourth character of $string.
  • ${string#asd} → Removes asd from beginning of $string (if it starts with asd).
  • ${string##asd} → Same as above. The difference becomes apparent between # and ## when you start using some globing operators. While # removes shortest match, ## removes the longest match. Check this:
x=${string#a*c}  # x is abcdefg
y=${string##a*c} # y is defg
  • ${string%asd} → Removes asd from back of $string.
  • ${string%%asd} → Same as above, but like in the case of # and ##, % removes shortest match, %% removes longest match.
  • ${string/asd/123} → Replaces first match of asd with 123.
  • ${string//asd/123} → Replaces all matches of asd with 123. Again you can use globing characters here.
  • ${string/#asd/123} → Replace asd if it's in front of the string with 123.
  • ${string/%asd/123} → Replace asd if it's at the end of $string with 123.

Also there is stuff for case manipulation. Given variable EXAMPLE="An ExaMplE", observe these:

  • ${EXAMPLE^}An ExaMplE
  • ${EXAMPLE,}an ExaMplE
  • ${EXAMPLE,,}an example
  • ${EXAMPLE~}An ExaMplE
  • ${EXAMPLE~~}AN eXAmPLe

Here is a more complete reference with more examples.

Regular expression matching

You can use =~ operator to perform a regular expression match instead of simple globing:

# Check if input is hexadecimal:
if [[ $input =~ ^[[:xdigit:]]*$ ]]; then
    # do stuff with it

Default vaules

You can use ${VAR:-DEFAULT} or ${VAR-DEFAULT} syntax to define default variables. The first one outputs DEFAULT if the $VAR is empty or unset. Latter only outputs DEFAULT when $VAR is unset. A practical example of this would be:

echo "Your config directory is: ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}"

There is also a version of this which uses = instead of -. The difference is that it also sets the variable to default value so that you can use the variable afterwards without defining a default value everytime.



You can access to parameters using positional parameters: $1, $2 ... $9, ${10}, ${11} .... shift, as the name suggests, shifts those parameters. So when you call shift, $2 becomes $1, $3 becomes $2… It becomes handy in loops or sometimes you just want to process first N parameters and leave rest as is while passing them to another program.

# Removes given files if they are empty

while (( "$#" )); do
    if [[ -s $1 ]]; then
        echo "Can't remove."
        rm $1


shift also can be called with a number argument, like shift 3 which shifts parameters 3 times.


Say that we have a wrapper script/function that checks if ripgrep (rg) is installed and executes it with given parameters otherwise it calls grep with given parameters:

rg_path=$(which rg)
 if [ -x "$rg_path" ]; then
    rg "$@"
    grep "$@"
  • "$@" is equivalent of doing "$1" "$2" "$3" .... And it's the only thing that does that.
  • "$*" concatenates parameters using IFS as separator. (If IFS is empty, which is the case in this script, it simply uses space as separator.)
  • To learn more about special parameters, check this.

Looping through arguments

It's a pretty common task with pretty easy syntax:

for arg in "$@"; do
    echo "$arg"

Or better yet:

for arg; do
    echo "$arg"


The most common problem of using subshells is that subshells can not effect the parent shell's variables. For example:

echo "stuff" | read some_var

In this example, usage of | introduces a subshell and the some_var is defined in this subshell. Then that subshell is vanished when the execution of the line is over. So that you can not use some_var in rest of the script. There are a few ways to get around this issue. Most simple one being:

echo "stuff" | {
    read some_var
    echo "I can use $some_var"

Here | still introduces a subshell but we continue to do our stuff in that subshell. But still you can't communicate with the parent shell, after the { ... } is over some_var is not available for use. At this point you have two solutions: here strings and process substitutions.

Here strings

Continuing the example above, we can do something like this:

read some_var <<< "stuff"
# or
read some_var <<< $(echo "stuff")

<<< redirects the string to stdin of the command. So that we didn't create a subshell and we can use some_var from now on in our script.

Process substitution

A process substitution creates a temporary file with the given output and passes that temporary file to a command. For example:

read some_var < <(echo "stuff")

Here, the effect is same as with here strings but what happens is a lot different. As you may already know < redirects given file to stdin of the command before it. <(...) simply creates a temporary file containing ... and replaces itself with the path to that temporary file. To simplify, you can think that the command becomes: read some_var < /dev/fd/some_number after evaluating <(echo "stuff") part (/dev/fd/... is the path where temp file is created, and it contains stuff). Now < simply redirects the contents of the file to read some_var command.


Functions that accepts both arguments and stdin

Let's say that you want your function to accept data either as argument or from stdin. You can simply combine ${VAR:-DEFAULT} syntax with redirecting operator and you will have this:


Now your function will concatenate your arguments and set it to str or if there are no arguments it'll read stdin and set it to str.

Linting bash scripts

It's really hard to spot errors in your bash scripts because it's dynamic nature and when an error occurs bash doesn't really care about it and gives you as little information as possible. A great tool, called shellcheck addresses this shortcomings of bash. It's a great bash linter, that detects a lot of the common mistakes. It gives you nice advices that makes your code more portable/readable/safe. Just use it. (For Arch Linux users that do not want to install bunch of haskell-* packages as dependencies, there is also shellcheck-static package in aur, I recommend using that. For vim users I recommend using ALE extension, it works out of the box with shellcheck.) For emacs users, Flycheck works out of the box with shellcheck.

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